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PSLPD Unesa; Malang. The Center for Studies and Services for Persons with Disabilities (PSLPD) Unesa conducted social services and outbound, Thursday (4/6/2015). The social service was held at SDN Srigonco 01, Watusigar Hamlet, Srigonco, Bantur, Mala

SURABAYA; Center for Studies and Services for Persons with Disabilities (PSLPD) Unesa has established its existence in caring for children with special needs (ABK). This is marked by their participation in the Exhibition and Creation of ABK Creations

Mirza Chusnainny Anwar's hand could not act optimally to thicken 2B pencil strokes on the answer sheet in the 2015 State College Entrance Joint Selection (SBMPTN) written test. "Indeed, my hand cannot be forced to apply harder pressure, because I hav

Education expert for children with special needs from the "University of Tsukuba", Japan, Prof. Hideo Nakata PhD, assessed that inclusive schools in Indonesia are good, because the teaching applications applied are of international standard. "Inclusi